The Garden of Goodness Perfect Einkorn Bread Machine Recipe

After a year of experimentation, we have finally solved the riddle of baking fresh, warm, delicious loaves of Einkorn bread in the bread machine!

We searched the internet for good einkorn bread machine recipes, and they all fell flat - literally!  We thought this was strange, because we've traded out einkorn for all-purpose flour in every other recipe we use, and it's always delicious!  Cookies, crepes, Dutch pancakes, quick breads, muffins, even cakes and pies!  Freshly ground einkorn works perfectly in all of our recipes!

But when it came to bread in the bread machine, it was always a flop.  

Maybe it's that country air, because Robyn finally figured out what was going wrong.  Even though the einkorn flour substitutes 1:1 in other recipes, when it comes to yeasty bread recipes, a lot more einkorn flour is required.  There is surely some science behind that mystery.  If any of our readers have insight as to why more einkorn flour is required in yeasty bread recipes, please share in the comments!

For those of you who like to knead by hand, we're with you in spirit, but the practicality of life with lots of little children means that we're either using the bread machine or buying from the store!

We'll do another post about the virtues of einkorn grain, but suffice it to say that this is the original wheat, the most ancient wheat.  As far as we can tell, this is wheat as close to the way God created it as possible.  So it's not surprising (to us, at least) that nutritional analysis shows it to be far superior to modern wheat.

This recipe is delicious!  If you don't like whole grain bread, just give this a try.  No, it's not that bleached white color, but it is perfectly soft, moist, chewy... just slather on the butter, maybe a slice of cheese... mmm!!

And it's so easy that no one has an excuse not to be making fresh, living bread for themselves or their families!  Seriously...  If I can do it, you can do it.  Start the grain mill while you're working on something else for a few minutes, then throw 6 simple ingredients into the bread machine and press a button.  One hour later, voila!  Super yummy, super healthy bread for the whole family!


  1. Mill einkorn berries in grain mill.
  2. Add ingredients to bread machine in order recommended in your bread machine's instructions.  Ours calls for the ingredients to be added in the order above.
  3. Set bread machine to Rapid Bake setting; this is a 58 minute cycle on our machine.

Oh, you won't believe how delicious this is!!  And it's so healthy!  Loaded with protein, unbelievably low in gluten - yet just as doughy and nice as any other bread you've tried.  Enjoy!